I have continued with glass work inspired by Spring ice.
Bella Lake is still frozen, and it is the
transition period between ice and open water that most intrigues me, so I’m
still waiting for nature to catch up!
Strata - freestanding glass art | | | | |
entered 3 of my current favourite “Ice” pieces in this year’s Muskoka Arts and Crafts
Spring Members’ Show. The piece above was
selected by the jurors for an Award of Excellence for Glass. It is always an honour to receive recognition,
and as a bonus, the piece, sold, as did the 10" round bowl, below.
10" bowl |
candle bridge | | | | |
I’m loving the ice inspired work. I no longer actually refer to my photos, but
rather engage with my materials to create work that pleases me. Some pieces don’t
actually resemble ice, like the 5" bowl below, but they are all part of the journey I am on.
5" bowl |